Friday, 19 October 2012

September 2012.

During the IST lessons we had whilst we were of in the month of September, we were given time to work on the Virtual Galleries of the Year 10 Visual Arts students. The purpose of these websites is for these students to showcase the various artworks they have created throughout the year, as well as play the role of a convinent source for the teachers as well, so they may be able to mark and overlook their students' artworks. For this mini-project, we had to form groups to create a total of 3 websites each. The people in my group consisted of  myself, Justine and Anjeli. Since we were in an group equal to the number of websites we were instructed to make, we split up the load by each choosing one student to create a website for. I had chosen a Year 10 student named Jaide. Afterwards, we began working thoroughly on our individual websites, using the pre-made template we made entited 'An Artistic Mindset' based off the already made template on Google Sites entitled 'Non such
photography'. Prior to creating and customizing these websites though, we were each 
given the artist's artworks to display. Some of these types of artworks included Lino 
Prints, Drawings and Paintings. The process did take up quite alot of classtime, but 
in no time at all, we were all able to complete them. The website I have made can be 
found at 'Jaide's Virtual Gallery' ( 
From this project, I have learnt quite a few things. First of all, I became more educated 
in how to manage, customize and create a website, learnt how to create my own 
template on Google Sites, and futhermore a gained a better understanding of the 
specific type of multmedia known as a website.

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