Friday, 16 March 2012

Describe the creation process you followed. (PART 1)

16th of March 2012
Today in class, we were given the opportunity to work on our assignments. Last lesson we were assigned our task, which is to create a 15 second, or over animation of our choice or creating an animation which relates to our house symbols - the Dobson dolphin, Cartias lion, etc.
For my assignment, I have decided to create an animation of a little seed turning blooming into a big flower, which then gets cut off by someone. After that, process will restart again.
Last lesson I managed to get two frames done. This is what they look like:

19th of March 2012
Today in class, I managed to add more to the progress of my animation. This is what it looks like so far:

So far, while progressing through my animation, I have remained strong and have not shown any weakness.

28th of March 2012
Today in class, I worked some more on my animation. Here are some more examples of frames I have created for my animation.

After finishing this part of the animation, I am planning to create storm clouds which will then discharge some heavy rain and will cause the flower to finally blossom, I will draw some puddles on the grass to indicate that rain has come. Then I will create a girl who will come in with a pair of scissors after the rainty day and cut the huge flower down. Another set of rain clouds will come and then the animation will repeat over and over again.

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