Friday, 30 March 2012

What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

During this assignment I did not encounter any major difficulties, but mainly minor ones.

Some of the problems I encountered included not being able to open Inkscape at times, difficulties in erasing bits of the animation that weren't needed any more, learning to find the locations of some functions that were needed, managing time, choosing the proper tools to suit the part of the animation I was creating, deciding what format to save my frames in, difficulty in drawing objects, moving objects equally so that they flowed smoothly when they were animated, changing the position of objects so that they suited, etc.

I solved these problems by trying my best to manage my time, asking the teacher when I am troubled, asking for the help of my peers, spending time at home to try and fix these problems and also by referring to the internet's sources for assistance.

I managed to solve most of these problems, and I'm overall proud of my working skills and finished product.

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